Cohort 7 Completes IDA and IMSLEC Accredited Training!

These dedicated, hard working hero teachers have just finished 2 years of training in Multi-Sensory Language Education (MSLE). This training has been provided for many teachers in our state by Nancy Mefford Coffman (an Alabama native) for close to several years.

We are so grateful to the vision of Dr. Mabrey Whetstone and to the tenacity and dedication of Julie Colley Lowery who were instrumental in bringing this training to our state. Those who complete this nationally accredited 2 year training program which includes a rigorous supervised practicum can take the national certification examination offered by the Academic Language Therapy Association (ALTA) and can then become Certified Academic Language Therapists (CALT).

We hope to see these new hero teachers added to the 41 Alabama CALT teachers who are listed in the Directory of the Academic Language Therapy Association

We have two levels of dyslexia interventionists listed in the Alabama Administrative Code (AAC). We have those who have received training specific to a particular dyslexia-specific intervention and we have those who have earned the nationally recognized credential. Our dream has been that every school district and someday every school would have a CALT.

Thank you heroes in Cohort 7 for your hard work and for the gift that you are to our children with dyslexia in Alabama.